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Thursday 23 June 2016

Top 25 Wedding Planning Tips

Are you planning your Wedding?
You're constantly looking at top wedding blogs, Worry and Anxiety has become your second job, and your wedding planner is on speed dial (or, if you don't have one, then you feel like you're ready to become one from experience).

I compiled 25 wedding planning (to-do list) for you,


1.) Take your time:
Be calm, Don't be unnecessarily anxious, Get a Diary and pen down every Idea.

2.) Be present in every moment:
Involve yourself in every Detail.

3.) Do a first look:
scrutinise every idea, All that shines is not Gold, think twice before you invite that Uncle brother, sister.

4.) Don't get caught up in perfection:
No one is perfect, get and consider every idea that comes your way.

5.) Have faith that all your effort will be worth it:
Don't worry, with God on your side you won't fail.

6.) Share something personal on your fear to someone:
Problem shared is half problem solved.

7.) Try not to stress yourself even when it's impossible:

List your plans in other of importance.

9.)Accept that you can't please everyone:
Trying to please everyone is the beginning of failure. please be yourself, Be happy!

10.) Be a team throughout the entire planning process:
You travel fast if you walk alone but FAR if you walk as a Team. Don't Plan alone, The process can exhaust you.

11.)Remind yourself what is truly important:
You don't need all the Advice, Scrutinise them.

12.)Be Joyful:
Enjoy the moment, Don't look all worked out, you are not planning for a Day, You are planning for a Lifetime.

13.)Take one thing at a time:
Take a step at a time, Don't rush, you need the details.

14.) Communicate with your partner:
Have an idea of what your partner is doing, work together. Don't forget you are working as a TEAM.

15.) Consider your Environment when planning:
Don't get carried away by the social media Weddings, Face the reality.

16.) Eat Well:
This is not the time to skip meals, Eat good FOOD.

17.) Keep the Big picture in Mind:
Be optimistic, It will be a Success.

18.) Don't Sweat over the Little Things:
Don't be annoyed by the sight of something not working as planned. simply get up and fix it.

19.) Make appointment:
Make that call, Make bookings on time.

20.) Be creative:
Don't be rigid on the Information you got, add your extra touch.

21.)Keep it simple:
Everyone can't have the social media wedding, The simpler the better.

22.)Finish your to-do list early

23.) Get a BUDGET and follow the details:
Stick to your budget.

24.) Hire an EVENT PLANNER:
Don't go through this stress alone, Call on MILES EVENT to help you out.

25.) Drop your comments:
Let us know what you feel.

Have a great Event ahead.

PS: Original Content from Bridal guide, Emphasis added by the Miles Event team.

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