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Thursday, 30 June 2016

How to choose the right partner

Selecting the right life partner is necessary to lead a happy married life.

There are many factors one considers when choosing a life partner.
The most important is to consider things that are crucial to you.

These includes:

1.) Adjust your mindset:

👉Love yourself- Loving yourself before you find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with is the easiest way to ensure that you'll be committing yourself to that person for the right reasons. You don't have to be 100% satisfied with yourself, but if you're unhappy with who you are, you're at risk of getting together with someone just because he or she makes you feel better about yourself. In a sense, yes, the person you marry should "complete you," making you feel completely whole as a person, but you should already love who you are and feel blessed that the person you want to be with makes you feel even better!

2.) Know what you want:

Consider the qualities you want in a spouse. Here are some things to think about as you choose your future spouse:

👉Religion- stick with your own kind
👉Family values- This is something to consider as you look for someone who shares your ideas of family size.
👉 Find someone who you can connect with easily-
It is very important to choose somebody who you can easily strike a conversation with. This way, you can enjoy doing things and talking about them together without getting bored.
👉 Consider your partner's intellect-
If you are a laid-back person and your partner is an over-achiever, that could lead to a threat in your marriage. You must see eye to eye on how both of you are able to think and process things.
👉You should have respect for one another-
You obviously cannot spend your life with someone who has no respect for you or your dreams/goals or your personality. So, choose someone who will acknowledge you for the rest of your life.
👉Is your potential trustworthy
In this day and age?
It is extremely important to choose someone you can trust. You definitely cannot lead a happy marriage if you cannot trust each other or have faith.
👉Personality- Though you can't predict someone's personality in advance, there may be a few things that are a must for you:

*Do you have a killer sense of humor and absolutely need a person who shares your love for laughter?
*Are you naturally a bit nervous and need someone who is more laid-back to center you? Keep this in mind as you look for the perfect person for you.
*Attitude toward relationships. Are you looking for someone who wants to spend every waking second with you, or do you want someone who really understands the meaning of "alone time"? This is more important than you think.
*Social bearing. Do you want someone who is fun and has a ton of friends around, or a person who is more reserved with just a few close and loyal friends?
*Similar interests. Though the person you love probably shouldn't share all of your interests, or maybe not even many of them, you should still have a few interests that you both can share so you can keep your relationship going.

3.) Consider the qualities you don't want:

The qualities you don't want in a future spouse can be just as important and decisive as the qualities you are looking for.

Here are some things to consider:

👉Lack of attraction. Physical attraction can grow, but it is not overrated.
👉Lack of agreement on something that really matters to you.
👉Geographical incompatibility. You may have found the love of your life, but he may live in Hawaii. If you literally live a world apart and neither of you will move under any circumstances, it won't work.

Dos and Don't

👉Don't turn a person down because he doesn't meet all of your needs. This is unrealistic and being too picky won't get you very far.
👉Don't stay with a person if you know he doesn't meet the needs that really matter to you. Though you should be flexible, don't stay with a person if you know he won't give you what you want in the end.
👉Find a balance between finding a person that really makes you happy without sacrificing the things that really matter to you.

I wish you luck in your search for the perfect heartrob.


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