Everyone dreams of getting married to that special person with whom one will enjoy the “happily ever after” feeling.
here are hot spots where one can discover one’s future partner.
1.) Church
The church is one of the places where people believe that they can find the best life partners. The major reason is the fact that the level of spirituality of the people in the church is believed to be higher than that of those who are not regulars in the church. From a random research carried on the subject topic, it was gathered that many people are more comfortable with meeting their spouses in the church. While a few others were of the opinion that worse people reside in the church just to get security of some sort. In fact, they noted that it is even more dangerous to meet and hook up with someone in the church as one may not really know the individual’s true colours until something happens that will expose it.
2.) Bar
It is almost a norm these days to see people hook up in bars, or pepper-soup joints, beer parlour or otherwise. From our observation, young guys do not go there alone. They are mostly found in company of a young lady as a companion. Findings have also revealed that many guys go to the bars to see if there could be ‘single’ ladies waiting to be ‘taken to mama’ and vice versa. Fortunately, a few couples have confessed to have met their spouses in bars and have gone ahead to enjoy blissful marriages.
3.) School
This is another really sure place where spouses meet. The fact that the people see each other everyday makes it easier for them to access the prospective spouse’s character from close range.
4.) Social Gatherings
One of the many reasons social events are being put together is to ensure that people from different backgrounds, needs, and desires, come together to seek a way of finding comfort with one another. In other words, when people have occasions such as Child Christening, Wedding, and even Funeral ceremonies, there are great chances that people with a desire to meet with a future partner will just be hanging somewhere around the corner to give a lift to a person of like mind. This also explains why people invite their friends and acquaintances to such occasions.
5.) Service Year
It is nearly a taboo for a lady who goes into her mandatory one year Youth Service without a future partner to return the same way. In fact, guys have reportedly claimed that many ladies push themselves on men during the one year programme. This has been blamed on some myths being peddled around, that if a woman does not succeed in getting a responsible man during her stay in the tertiary institution and rounds up her service year the same way, she may have lost her opportunity of meeting her prince Charming. While this is not always true, the ladies have always ensured that they do not find themselves in such dilemma. Some go to the extent of deliberately tying the guy they only just met down with pregnancy and insist that they get married.
6.) Beach
Some of our respondents to the question on where they met their spouses noted that the beach is also a feasible place where people could meet their future partners. Their argument was based on the fact that people go there for different events and are likely to meet and share a few words with others who also came to catch fun. Like bees, they get attracted to each other and soon start visiting the beach in each other’s company and eventually get married. It is not unusual or even out of place for people who meet at the beach to fall in love and get married almost immediately so far it is by mutual consent.
7.) The gym
The gym isn’t a place to display your glamorous side, If there’s a fitness centre regular you’d like to get to know, approach him/her when you’re ready.
8.) Your neighbourhood
people in your general living area aren’t as risky as speculated, they are better because you know more about them. So don’t be shy aboutgoing up to people in your neighbourhood or building when they’re out and about.
9.) Work
Though office romances can end badly, they can also give birth to lifelong companionship. The workforce is among the top places to find one’s spouse, and it’s not that surprising to hear. If you’re in the same field, chances are you have similar interests or at least understand each other’s work flow.
Credit: Naij&Hellogiggles
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Thursday, 30 June 2016
How to choose the right partner
Selecting the right life partner is necessary to lead a happy married life.
There are many factors one considers when choosing a life partner.
The most important is to consider things that are crucial to you.
These includes:
1.) Adjust your mindset:
👉Love yourself- Loving yourself before you find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with is the easiest way to ensure that you'll be committing yourself to that person for the right reasons. You don't have to be 100% satisfied with yourself, but if you're unhappy with who you are, you're at risk of getting together with someone just because he or she makes you feel better about yourself. In a sense, yes, the person you marry should "complete you," making you feel completely whole as a person, but you should already love who you are and feel blessed that the person you want to be with makes you feel even better!
2.) Know what you want:
Consider the qualities you want in a spouse. Here are some things to think about as you choose your future spouse:
👉Religion- stick with your own kind
👉Family values- This is something to consider as you look for someone who shares your ideas of family size.
👉 Find someone who you can connect with easily-
It is very important to choose somebody who you can easily strike a conversation with. This way, you can enjoy doing things and talking about them together without getting bored.
👉 Consider your partner's intellect-
If you are a laid-back person and your partner is an over-achiever, that could lead to a threat in your marriage. You must see eye to eye on how both of you are able to think and process things.
👉You should have respect for one another-
You obviously cannot spend your life with someone who has no respect for you or your dreams/goals or your personality. So, choose someone who will acknowledge you for the rest of your life.
👉Is your potential trustworthy
In this day and age?
It is extremely important to choose someone you can trust. You definitely cannot lead a happy marriage if you cannot trust each other or have faith.
👉Personality- Though you can't predict someone's personality in advance, there may be a few things that are a must for you:
*Do you have a killer sense of humor and absolutely need a person who shares your love for laughter?
*Are you naturally a bit nervous and need someone who is more laid-back to center you? Keep this in mind as you look for the perfect person for you.
*Attitude toward relationships. Are you looking for someone who wants to spend every waking second with you, or do you want someone who really understands the meaning of "alone time"? This is more important than you think.
*Social bearing. Do you want someone who is fun and has a ton of friends around, or a person who is more reserved with just a few close and loyal friends?
*Similar interests. Though the person you love probably shouldn't share all of your interests, or maybe not even many of them, you should still have a few interests that you both can share so you can keep your relationship going.
3.) Consider the qualities you don't want:
The qualities you don't want in a future spouse can be just as important and decisive as the qualities you are looking for.
Here are some things to consider:
👉Lack of attraction. Physical attraction can grow, but it is not overrated.
👉Lack of agreement on something that really matters to you.
👉Geographical incompatibility. You may have found the love of your life, but he may live in Hawaii. If you literally live a world apart and neither of you will move under any circumstances, it won't work.
Dos and Don't
👉Don't turn a person down because he doesn't meet all of your needs. This is unrealistic and being too picky won't get you very far.
👉Don't stay with a person if you know he doesn't meet the needs that really matter to you. Though you should be flexible, don't stay with a person if you know he won't give you what you want in the end.
👉Find a balance between finding a person that really makes you happy without sacrificing the things that really matter to you.
I wish you luck in your search for the perfect heartrob.
There are many factors one considers when choosing a life partner.
The most important is to consider things that are crucial to you.
These includes:
1.) Adjust your mindset:
👉Love yourself- Loving yourself before you find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with is the easiest way to ensure that you'll be committing yourself to that person for the right reasons. You don't have to be 100% satisfied with yourself, but if you're unhappy with who you are, you're at risk of getting together with someone just because he or she makes you feel better about yourself. In a sense, yes, the person you marry should "complete you," making you feel completely whole as a person, but you should already love who you are and feel blessed that the person you want to be with makes you feel even better!
2.) Know what you want:
Consider the qualities you want in a spouse. Here are some things to think about as you choose your future spouse:
👉Religion- stick with your own kind
👉Family values- This is something to consider as you look for someone who shares your ideas of family size.
👉 Find someone who you can connect with easily-
It is very important to choose somebody who you can easily strike a conversation with. This way, you can enjoy doing things and talking about them together without getting bored.
👉 Consider your partner's intellect-
If you are a laid-back person and your partner is an over-achiever, that could lead to a threat in your marriage. You must see eye to eye on how both of you are able to think and process things.
👉You should have respect for one another-
You obviously cannot spend your life with someone who has no respect for you or your dreams/goals or your personality. So, choose someone who will acknowledge you for the rest of your life.
👉Is your potential trustworthy
In this day and age?
It is extremely important to choose someone you can trust. You definitely cannot lead a happy marriage if you cannot trust each other or have faith.
👉Personality- Though you can't predict someone's personality in advance, there may be a few things that are a must for you:
*Do you have a killer sense of humor and absolutely need a person who shares your love for laughter?
*Are you naturally a bit nervous and need someone who is more laid-back to center you? Keep this in mind as you look for the perfect person for you.
*Attitude toward relationships. Are you looking for someone who wants to spend every waking second with you, or do you want someone who really understands the meaning of "alone time"? This is more important than you think.
*Social bearing. Do you want someone who is fun and has a ton of friends around, or a person who is more reserved with just a few close and loyal friends?
*Similar interests. Though the person you love probably shouldn't share all of your interests, or maybe not even many of them, you should still have a few interests that you both can share so you can keep your relationship going.
3.) Consider the qualities you don't want:
The qualities you don't want in a future spouse can be just as important and decisive as the qualities you are looking for.
Here are some things to consider:
👉Lack of attraction. Physical attraction can grow, but it is not overrated.
👉Lack of agreement on something that really matters to you.
👉Geographical incompatibility. You may have found the love of your life, but he may live in Hawaii. If you literally live a world apart and neither of you will move under any circumstances, it won't work.
Dos and Don't
👉Don't turn a person down because he doesn't meet all of your needs. This is unrealistic and being too picky won't get you very far.
👉Don't stay with a person if you know he doesn't meet the needs that really matter to you. Though you should be flexible, don't stay with a person if you know he won't give you what you want in the end.
👉Find a balance between finding a person that really makes you happy without sacrificing the things that really matter to you.
I wish you luck in your search for the perfect heartrob.
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Who to Really Invite to your Wedding
All the planning boils down to who is attending your wedding and how many people.
Keeping the guest list primarily to the “important” people becomes tough when you actually sit down and start writing names. It can get tough creating a large list and having a sensible budget to pay for them all.
What you need to remember is at the end of the day it is your big event and you are the one left to pay the big bills. However, that doesn’t mean don’t invite anyone, Such an important day is only made memorable if shared amongst your loved ones and the special friends.
So who to really invite to your wedding:
1.) Family: all family really? Well maybe not that annoying aunt. Start with your must haves, which is immediate and extended family. Be sure to involve your parents into this list to ensure no one is missed. Your parents have had aspirations of this day too and ensuring that all obligations are met will maintain peace in your relationships.
2.) Friends: Try and ensure this list is tamed, we can get carried away inviting all of our acquaintances, friends of friends and people we just met at a bar last month. After keeping your good friends, best friends and life long side partners on the list try to minimize the extended friends. What you may also notice that as soon as your engagement or wedding news gets out in your circle, certain individuals will seem keener on you. They will tend to be more interested, try to message you and catch up since you last spoke. At this point keep your budget in mind and let them no you simply cannot add anymore. True friends will always be understanding and be happy to see you happy.
3.) Coworkers: Just because you come from a culture where you would invite the whole village to your wedding, does not mean you have to continue that path. Be very selective on who you hand out the invitation card to.
*Firstly, we always think of our boss, our managers and senior supervisors as a gesture of compliance. Once you let it known that you have a wedding coming up the word spreads like wildfire and the whole floor is suddenly congratulating you. As your wedding date gets closer, they may start to hint that they want to come to the wedding. If you’re not close to your coworkers, or you simply don’t have the budget to invite everyone from work that you like, first thing’s first: You don’t have to invite anyone from work.
*The second thing to keep in mind: Inviting one person from work doesn’t mean you have to invite everyone. You can simply talk about budget and limited space
4.) Relatives:
Draw attention on your parents must have guest list which is very important for you to keep.Relatives who you are not close to: We’re not talking about second cousins here, but first cousins, aunts, uncles and the like are pretty typical A-listers when it comes to wedding invitations. This is a tougher one, because it involves family, and while you may not be particularly close to a relative of yours, inviting them might mean a lot to your parents, or other close relatives. In this case, the person you have to reason with is your parents. Take your parents to a lunch and explain your thought process. Don’t talk about budget and space issues with your parents, they know that there are very real other reasons as to why you don’t want to invite this particular relative and you just have to sort it out between the two of you. If there’s ever a moment where this relative confronts you about not receiving an invite, that’s the time to talk budget and space.
I hope this post was helpful in determining who to have at your wedding? kindly drop your comments on your recomendation
Credit:Biji planners
Keeping the guest list primarily to the “important” people becomes tough when you actually sit down and start writing names. It can get tough creating a large list and having a sensible budget to pay for them all.
What you need to remember is at the end of the day it is your big event and you are the one left to pay the big bills. However, that doesn’t mean don’t invite anyone, Such an important day is only made memorable if shared amongst your loved ones and the special friends.
So who to really invite to your wedding:
1.) Family: all family really? Well maybe not that annoying aunt. Start with your must haves, which is immediate and extended family. Be sure to involve your parents into this list to ensure no one is missed. Your parents have had aspirations of this day too and ensuring that all obligations are met will maintain peace in your relationships.
2.) Friends: Try and ensure this list is tamed, we can get carried away inviting all of our acquaintances, friends of friends and people we just met at a bar last month. After keeping your good friends, best friends and life long side partners on the list try to minimize the extended friends. What you may also notice that as soon as your engagement or wedding news gets out in your circle, certain individuals will seem keener on you. They will tend to be more interested, try to message you and catch up since you last spoke. At this point keep your budget in mind and let them no you simply cannot add anymore. True friends will always be understanding and be happy to see you happy.
3.) Coworkers: Just because you come from a culture where you would invite the whole village to your wedding, does not mean you have to continue that path. Be very selective on who you hand out the invitation card to.
*Firstly, we always think of our boss, our managers and senior supervisors as a gesture of compliance. Once you let it known that you have a wedding coming up the word spreads like wildfire and the whole floor is suddenly congratulating you. As your wedding date gets closer, they may start to hint that they want to come to the wedding. If you’re not close to your coworkers, or you simply don’t have the budget to invite everyone from work that you like, first thing’s first: You don’t have to invite anyone from work.
*The second thing to keep in mind: Inviting one person from work doesn’t mean you have to invite everyone. You can simply talk about budget and limited space
4.) Relatives:
Draw attention on your parents must have guest list which is very important for you to keep.Relatives who you are not close to: We’re not talking about second cousins here, but first cousins, aunts, uncles and the like are pretty typical A-listers when it comes to wedding invitations. This is a tougher one, because it involves family, and while you may not be particularly close to a relative of yours, inviting them might mean a lot to your parents, or other close relatives. In this case, the person you have to reason with is your parents. Take your parents to a lunch and explain your thought process. Don’t talk about budget and space issues with your parents, they know that there are very real other reasons as to why you don’t want to invite this particular relative and you just have to sort it out between the two of you. If there’s ever a moment where this relative confronts you about not receiving an invite, that’s the time to talk budget and space.
I hope this post was helpful in determining who to have at your wedding? kindly drop your comments on your recomendation
Credit:Biji planners
10 people to exclude from your wedding guest list.
Are you working with a limited budget? Or you want a simple wedding with few guest?
this list will help you plan better on who to exclude from your guest list.
This one is tough. If you feel like you couldn’t possibly get married without this person in attendance, it might be time to to reach out and bury the hatchet. But if the thought gives you more anxiety than relief, avoid the negativity and hold the invite.
You grab drinks in a group every once in a while, but if this girl isn't someone you could grab coffee with without the whole crew, don't feel pressured to send an invite.
This one goes without saying. Unless you and your ex are miraculously close in a strictly platonic way (and your soon-to-be-spouse is on board) you can safely sort your exes into the "not in a million years" pile.
If she only chats you up when she needs something and lives to stir up old drama, your wedding day is no time to send this person an invite. Save room for friends and family members who truly care about your well-being.
Work besties or not, a good rule of thumb is unless you both make an effort to see each other outside of work, don't feel the need to extend an invite.
They've broken up once a month for the past year, so who's to say what state they'll be in on your wedding day? Avoid the drama altogether and hold the invite.
If you wouldn't invite this couple over for a dinner party (and your conversations rarely last longer than a quick chat while taking out the garbage) hold the invites, girl.
Chances are you only see them every 10 years at the family reunion, anyway. If you still want to get the good news out, send an official wedding announcement with photos and a sweet note to everyone in your extended family.
You've known this family for what seems like forever (whether they're old neighbors or former classmates) but if you haven't chatted in ages other than the occasional grocery store run-in, no need to extend an invite.
At the end of the day, your wedding day should be filled to the brim with people who love you and couldn't possibly be happier for you. If there's someone who makes you feel like less-than, he or she certainly doesn't deserve a spot among the people who truly care.
Credit:Style me pretty
this list will help you plan better on who to exclude from your guest list.
This one is tough. If you feel like you couldn’t possibly get married without this person in attendance, it might be time to to reach out and bury the hatchet. But if the thought gives you more anxiety than relief, avoid the negativity and hold the invite.
You grab drinks in a group every once in a while, but if this girl isn't someone you could grab coffee with without the whole crew, don't feel pressured to send an invite.
This one goes without saying. Unless you and your ex are miraculously close in a strictly platonic way (and your soon-to-be-spouse is on board) you can safely sort your exes into the "not in a million years" pile.
If she only chats you up when she needs something and lives to stir up old drama, your wedding day is no time to send this person an invite. Save room for friends and family members who truly care about your well-being.
Work besties or not, a good rule of thumb is unless you both make an effort to see each other outside of work, don't feel the need to extend an invite.
They've broken up once a month for the past year, so who's to say what state they'll be in on your wedding day? Avoid the drama altogether and hold the invite.
If you wouldn't invite this couple over for a dinner party (and your conversations rarely last longer than a quick chat while taking out the garbage) hold the invites, girl.
Chances are you only see them every 10 years at the family reunion, anyway. If you still want to get the good news out, send an official wedding announcement with photos and a sweet note to everyone in your extended family.
You've known this family for what seems like forever (whether they're old neighbors or former classmates) but if you haven't chatted in ages other than the occasional grocery store run-in, no need to extend an invite.
At the end of the day, your wedding day should be filled to the brim with people who love you and couldn't possibly be happier for you. If there's someone who makes you feel like less-than, he or she certainly doesn't deserve a spot among the people who truly care.
Credit:Style me pretty
Monday, 27 June 2016
Read this before you choose your next colour.
Colours and colour combinations affects moods and feelings, consciously and unconsciously.
colours have a psychological effect on us.
Different colours have definitive effects:
Blue is calming,
Red is exciting: it raises blood pressure and signifies love.
Check out the colours and what they signify before you choose your next colour.
1.) Orange: Fun, warmth, confidence, Flamboyance, friendliness.
2.) Red: passion, love, power, excitement, strength, Anger, intensity.
photo: Nadine Froger
3.) Yellow: Hopefulness, cheer, optimism, energy, positivity
photo: Gabor Ekecs
4.) Green: Nature, health, renewal, growth, healing, harmony.
5.) Blue: Peace, trust, dependability, calm, intelligence.
photo: George pimental
6.) White: Peace, Trust, Dependability, calm, intelligence.
photo: George pimental
7.) Black: Authority, power, mystery, sophistication
photo:Louis Vuitton
Credit: Bizbash
colours have a psychological effect on us.
Different colours have definitive effects:
Blue is calming,
Red is exciting: it raises blood pressure and signifies love.
Check out the colours and what they signify before you choose your next colour.
1.) Orange: Fun, warmth, confidence, Flamboyance, friendliness.
2.) Red: passion, love, power, excitement, strength, Anger, intensity.
photo: Nadine Froger
3.) Yellow: Hopefulness, cheer, optimism, energy, positivity
photo: Gabor Ekecs
4.) Green: Nature, health, renewal, growth, healing, harmony.
5.) Blue: Peace, trust, dependability, calm, intelligence.
photo: George pimental
6.) White: Peace, Trust, Dependability, calm, intelligence.
photo: George pimental
7.) Black: Authority, power, mystery, sophistication
photo:Louis Vuitton
Credit: Bizbash
Average food Prices in Major Nigeria Market.
Are you planning an event this week?
Have a look at the Average commodity prices from 9 major markets in Nigeria.
Credit: Novus Agro
Have a look at the Average commodity prices from 9 major markets in Nigeria.
Credit: Novus Agro
Engagement requirements of major tribes in Nigeria
Want to have an idea of what an Engagement list in Nigeria looks like?
I compiled Engagement requirements of 3 major tribes in Nigeria.
PS: these lists are subject to the Bride's family, it could be less or more.
-Yoruba Engagement List:
*1 Bible
*Engagement ring
*1 box/ suitcase of clothes
*Yams (42 big tubers)
*Palm Oil and Vegetable Oil (25 Litres)
*Honey (1 bottle)
*Kolanut (Obi in yoruba language; 25 pieces)
*Bitter kola (orogbo, in yoruba language)
*Alligator pepper (42 pieces; Atare, in yoruba language)
*Sugar cane
*Maize/ corn Cake (Aadun, in yoruba language)
*Fruits (different types)
*Rice (1 bag)
*Yoruba Traditional Cloth (Aso- Oke)
*Engagement ring
*1 box/ suitcase of clothes
*Yams (42 big tubers)
*Palm Oil and Vegetable Oil (25 Litres)
*Honey (1 bottle)
*Kolanut (Obi in yoruba language; 25 pieces)
*Bitter kola (orogbo, in yoruba language)
*Alligator pepper (42 pieces; Atare, in yoruba language)
*Sugar cane
*Maize/ corn Cake (Aadun, in yoruba language)
*Fruits (different types)
*Rice (1 bag)
*Yoruba Traditional Cloth (Aso- Oke)
-Igbo traditional Engagement list:
* Wrappers and Blouses– (George/Hollandis/Nigerian Wax)
* Jewelry – (Gold plated earings, necklaces)
* Head ties and Shoes (Different types and colours)
* Hand bags and wrist watches (Different types and colours)
* Toiletries (Body creams, bathing soaps, washing detergents, etc.)
* Beverages and food items
* Cash gift (lump sum) –Ogwe ego
* Drinks (Malt & Minerals)
* Jewelry – (Gold plated earings, necklaces)
* Head ties and Shoes (Different types and colours)
* Hand bags and wrist watches (Different types and colours)
* Toiletries (Body creams, bathing soaps, washing detergents, etc.)
* Beverages and food items
* Cash gift (lump sum) –Ogwe ego
* Drinks (Malt & Minerals)
Section B: NMANYA UKWU (BIG WINE) – KINSMEN (UMUNNA) The items in this category will be shared amongst the heads of the extended family of the bride to be.
* Bottles of Seaman’s Schnapps (millennium brand)
* Kolanuts
* Gallons of Palmwine
* Cartons of Beer, Malt and Mineral drinks
* Heads of Tobacco with potash
* Rolls of cigarettes
* 1 goat
* Cash gift (Lump sum) – Ego Umu’Nna
* Kolanuts
* Gallons of Palmwine
* Cartons of Beer, Malt and Mineral drinks
* Heads of Tobacco with potash
* Rolls of cigarettes
* 1 goat
* Cash gift (Lump sum) – Ego Umu’Nna
* 30 tubers of Yam
* 2 bags of Rice
* 2 bags of Salt
* 2 cartons of Star Beer
* 2 cartons of Guinness Stout
* 2 cartons of Maltina
* 6 crates of Minerals
* 3 bottles of Seaman’s Schnapps (millennium brand)
* 30 bulbs of onions
* 1 gallon of red Palm oil (10 -25 litres)
* 1 gallon of Groundnut oil (25 litres)
* A basin of Okporoko (Stockfish)
* 2 pieces of Goat leg (Ukwu Anu ewu)
* 25 loaves of Bread
* 1 carton of Tin Tomatoes
* 1 carton of Tin Milk
* 1 carton of Tablet soap
* 20 Pieces of Morning Rose powder
* 1 gallon of Kerosene
* 20 heads of Tobacco
* 10 packets of cigarettes
* 5 pieces of George/Hollandis/Nigerian Wax
* 3 pieces of Umbrella
* 1 Big Box (Apati)
* 2 Big Basins
* 2 pieces of Igbo Blouse
* 2 pieces of Headties
* Gold necklaces and Wrist watches (minimum of 2 pieces)
* 1 piece of Lantern/Lamp
* “Ikpo Onu Aku Nwayi” (Bride price) – Negotiable
* 2 bags of Rice
* 2 bags of Salt
* 2 cartons of Star Beer
* 2 cartons of Guinness Stout
* 2 cartons of Maltina
* 6 crates of Minerals
* 3 bottles of Seaman’s Schnapps (millennium brand)
* 30 bulbs of onions
* 1 gallon of red Palm oil (10 -25 litres)
* 1 gallon of Groundnut oil (25 litres)
* A basin of Okporoko (Stockfish)
* 2 pieces of Goat leg (Ukwu Anu ewu)
* 25 loaves of Bread
* 1 carton of Tin Tomatoes
* 1 carton of Tin Milk
* 1 carton of Tablet soap
* 20 Pieces of Morning Rose powder
* 1 gallon of Kerosene
* 20 heads of Tobacco
* 10 packets of cigarettes
* 5 pieces of George/Hollandis/Nigerian Wax
* 3 pieces of Umbrella
* 1 Big Box (Apati)
* 2 Big Basins
* 2 pieces of Igbo Blouse
* 2 pieces of Headties
* Gold necklaces and Wrist watches (minimum of 2 pieces)
* 1 piece of Lantern/Lamp
* “Ikpo Onu Aku Nwayi” (Bride price) – Negotiable
Other cash gifts that may be demanded during the course of the ceremony
-“Ego nfotu ite” (cash to bring down symbolic cooking pot) – ₦ 1,000
-“Ncha kishi udu” (Toasting of wine) – ₦ 1,000
-“Ego Ogo cherem” (money for the inlaws) – ₦ 50,000
-“Ego maternity” (money for future maternity) – ₦ 1,000
-“Ego Onye Eze” (money for village chief) – ₦ 1,500
-“Ogwe Ego” (lump sum) – ₦ 5,000
-“Ncha kishi udu” (Toasting of wine) – ₦ 1,000
-“Ego Ogo cherem” (money for the inlaws) – ₦ 50,000
-“Ego maternity” (money for future maternity) – ₦ 1,000
-“Ego Onye Eze” (money for village chief) – ₦ 1,500
-“Ogwe Ego” (lump sum) – ₦ 5,000
-Edo Bride Price List: Groom’s Guide to Edo Marriage Introduction
*The Holy Bible – 1 (one)
*1 Umbrella
*1 suitcase filled with clothes (box of wrappers)
*2 bottles of hot drinks (schnapps)
*1 crate of malt drinks
*1 plate of kolanuts
*1 bag of salt
*25 liters of palm oil for the bride’s mother
*1 jar of palm wine
*1 carton of wine for sundry use (the groom should hold this)
*3 crates of malt for women of the lineage
*6 carton of beer for men of the lineage (broken down into: 2 cartons of small Guinness stout; 2 cartons of Star beer; 2 cartons of Gulder beer)
*28 tubers of yam arrange in groups of seven
*14 tubers of yam for the eldest man in the lineage
*N1,500 cash for the dowry
*N5,000 cash for the bride’s mother
*N3,000 cash for the bride’s father
*N9,000 cash for the men in bride’s lineage
*N6,000 cash for the women bride’s lineage
*1 Umbrella
*1 suitcase filled with clothes (box of wrappers)
*2 bottles of hot drinks (schnapps)
*1 crate of malt drinks
*1 plate of kolanuts
*1 bag of salt
*25 liters of palm oil for the bride’s mother
*1 jar of palm wine
*1 carton of wine for sundry use (the groom should hold this)
*3 crates of malt for women of the lineage
*6 carton of beer for men of the lineage (broken down into: 2 cartons of small Guinness stout; 2 cartons of Star beer; 2 cartons of Gulder beer)
*28 tubers of yam arrange in groups of seven
*14 tubers of yam for the eldest man in the lineage
*N1,500 cash for the dowry
*N5,000 cash for the bride’s mother
*N3,000 cash for the bride’s father
*N9,000 cash for the men in bride’s lineage
*N6,000 cash for the women bride’s lineage
credit: NaijaGlamwedding & Gistmania
Sunday, 26 June 2016
5 Flat Shoes Ideal for your Wedding
Not a fan of heels?
Take a look at our Top 5 flat Shoes that fits your wedding outfit.
1.) Norella by Kate Spade -$328
Description: Glittering golden flats with a bubble broach.
2.) Victoria Bridal Ballet flats by Pink2Blue- $195
Description: Lace,crystals pearls, ribbon and rosselts, what more do you need?
3.) Honey by Touch ups- $60
Description: Dyeable satin peep-toe with retro-glam clinched vamp detail.
4.) Halle by Benjamin Adams- $299
Description: Flats encrypted with crystals
5.) Liana by Aruna Seth - $489
Description: Open toe, butterfly dazzle flats
Credit: Bridal Guide.
Take a look at our Top 5 flat Shoes that fits your wedding outfit.
1.) Norella by Kate Spade -$328
Description: Glittering golden flats with a bubble broach.
2.) Victoria Bridal Ballet flats by Pink2Blue- $195
Description: Lace,crystals pearls, ribbon and rosselts, what more do you need?
3.) Honey by Touch ups- $60
Description: Dyeable satin peep-toe with retro-glam clinched vamp detail.
4.) Halle by Benjamin Adams- $299
Description: Flats encrypted with crystals
5.) Liana by Aruna Seth - $489
Description: Open toe, butterfly dazzle flats
Credit: Bridal Guide.
Saturday, 25 June 2016
Miles Top 3 Wedding Tuxedo and Suit
We compiled our Top 3 Wedding Suits,
Have a look
1.) XEDO
by Justin Alexander Black TUX
Tuxedo Details
*Colour- BLACK
*Lapel Style- NOTCH
*Tuxedo Tails- WITHOUT TAILS
*Number Of Buttons- 2 BUTTONS
by the Kennedy outfit
Tuxedo Details
*Colour- BLUE Lapel Style NOTCH
*Tuxedo Tails- WITHOUT TAILS
*Number Of Buttons- 2 BUTTONS
*Accessory Color- BROWN
by The Men wear house.
Tuxedo Details
*Lapel Style- NOTCH
*Tuxedo Tails- WITHOUT TAILS
*Number Of Buttons- 2 BUTTONS
*Accessory Color IVORY
Have a look
1.) XEDO
by Justin Alexander Black TUX
Tuxedo Details
*Colour- BLACK
*Lapel Style- NOTCH
*Tuxedo Tails- WITHOUT TAILS
*Number Of Buttons- 2 BUTTONS
by the Kennedy outfit
Tuxedo Details
*Colour- BLUE Lapel Style NOTCH
*Tuxedo Tails- WITHOUT TAILS
*Number Of Buttons- 2 BUTTONS
*Accessory Color- BROWN
by The Men wear house.
Tuxedo Details
*Lapel Style- NOTCH
*Tuxedo Tails- WITHOUT TAILS
*Number Of Buttons- 2 BUTTONS
*Accessory Color IVORY
How to choose the right Bouquet for your wedding
When it comes to designing your bridal bouquet, you have more decisions to make than just the flowers and colours, you also need to choose a shape!
We compiled this detailed info graphic from Fairmont to help you find the perfect fit for your big day.
Take a look:
Friday, 24 June 2016
10 Ways to Save on Your Venue and Menu
You don't have to test your credit limit just to have a reception in a beautiful location with delicious food. Here's how to rent a sensational space and put together the menu of your dreams, whether your budget is little or limitless.
1.) Get married on a Friday or Sunday.
Who made Saturday the official wedding day? You can get married on any day of the week if you are thinking of cutting cost, only your loved ones and fews that values you will attend.
2.) Slash your guest list.
This isn't an easy thing to do until you see the savings start to accrue exponentially. You'll seriously save on catering by feeding less people and on your invitations. And having a smaller space also means less décor and rentals.
3.) Go with a Cheap venue
There are less sophisticated Halls that are decent, try them out.
4.) Exchange vows and celebrate (reception) in the same place.
If you're getting married in a house of worship, this may not be possible. Choose a venue that can do double-duty for your ceremony and for your reception. Not only will you save on venue fees, you'll also cut costs on transportation and possibly Decorations (For instance, you can have your Decorator perform a quick Design on the stage or have the same decoration for the whole.
5.) Scrap the reception, share food after the church service.
It seems weird, since the motive is cutting cost, You can share the food in take-away packs. the only difference is that you are not giving them music.
6.) Combine Traditional and Church wedding.
Don't spend more on venues, You can have the white wedding first, Change your outfit and start the traditional wedding. this idea also scraps the reception venue.
7.) Serve comfort foods.
Comfort Foods may mean the popular foods, Maybe Rice and Beaf and Swallow for those interested.
Don't forget we are cutting cost.
8.) Skip the champagne toast.
Nothing is sadder to a bride or groom on a budget than seeing a ton of half-finished champagne glasses littering the reception tables after a toast. People can toast with anything they're drinking. If you want bubbly, go with champagne's lower-priced, but still perfectly Non-Alcholic or Fruit Juice will do.
9.) Think seasonally.
Get items in season.
10.) Drop your comments.
Photo credit: Google
1.) Get married on a Friday or Sunday.
Who made Saturday the official wedding day? You can get married on any day of the week if you are thinking of cutting cost, only your loved ones and fews that values you will attend.
2.) Slash your guest list.
This isn't an easy thing to do until you see the savings start to accrue exponentially. You'll seriously save on catering by feeding less people and on your invitations. And having a smaller space also means less décor and rentals.
3.) Go with a Cheap venue
There are less sophisticated Halls that are decent, try them out.
4.) Exchange vows and celebrate (reception) in the same place.
If you're getting married in a house of worship, this may not be possible. Choose a venue that can do double-duty for your ceremony and for your reception. Not only will you save on venue fees, you'll also cut costs on transportation and possibly Decorations (For instance, you can have your Decorator perform a quick Design on the stage or have the same decoration for the whole.
5.) Scrap the reception, share food after the church service.
It seems weird, since the motive is cutting cost, You can share the food in take-away packs. the only difference is that you are not giving them music.
6.) Combine Traditional and Church wedding.
Don't spend more on venues, You can have the white wedding first, Change your outfit and start the traditional wedding. this idea also scraps the reception venue.
7.) Serve comfort foods.
Comfort Foods may mean the popular foods, Maybe Rice and Beaf and Swallow for those interested.
Don't forget we are cutting cost.
8.) Skip the champagne toast.
Nothing is sadder to a bride or groom on a budget than seeing a ton of half-finished champagne glasses littering the reception tables after a toast. People can toast with anything they're drinking. If you want bubbly, go with champagne's lower-priced, but still perfectly Non-Alcholic or Fruit Juice will do.
9.) Think seasonally.
Get items in season.
10.) Drop your comments.
Photo credit: Google
Amazing Wedding Venue Ideas
Reception venues cost a fortune these days, Hundreds of thousands are spent on hiring Halls for a few Hours event, in some areas, they go for millions.
I compiled wedding reception venues that are totally out of the norm
1.) Get married on a Boat.
Love the water? Plan to wed on any seaworthy vessel, whether it's a sailboat, yacht, riverboat or ferry. Your guests will love it, and your photographer will be thankful for the changing backgrounds throughout the day.
Tip: Marrying on the water doesn't necessarily mean on the high seas. For example, some historic ships or out-of-commission military vessels are permanently docked but open for weddings.
Photo credit: Google
2.) Get married in mid-air.
Incredible right?
Some balloon baskets can hold up to 12 passengers, so the bride,groom, and the rest of a small wedding party can fly together for the ceremony.
Photo credit: Google
3.) Get married In a Park.
You can choose a time of the year with good weather, Call on MILES EVENT to set up the venue and enjoy your Wedding.
Photo credit: Google
4.) Get married on a roof top.
This sounds fun, having your wedding atop a building of about 20 floors is just romantic.
I compiled wedding reception venues that are totally out of the norm
1.) Get married on a Boat.
Love the water? Plan to wed on any seaworthy vessel, whether it's a sailboat, yacht, riverboat or ferry. Your guests will love it, and your photographer will be thankful for the changing backgrounds throughout the day.
Tip: Marrying on the water doesn't necessarily mean on the high seas. For example, some historic ships or out-of-commission military vessels are permanently docked but open for weddings.
Photo credit: Google
2.) Get married in mid-air.
Incredible right?
Some balloon baskets can hold up to 12 passengers, so the bride,groom, and the rest of a small wedding party can fly together for the ceremony.
Photo credit: Google
3.) Get married In a Park.
You can choose a time of the year with good weather, Call on MILES EVENT to set up the venue and enjoy your Wedding.
Photo credit: Google
4.) Get married on a roof top.
This sounds fun, having your wedding atop a building of about 20 floors is just romantic.

Thursday, 23 June 2016
Top 25 Wedding Planning Tips
Are you planning your Wedding?
You're constantly looking at top wedding blogs, Worry and Anxiety has become your second job, and your wedding planner is on speed dial (or, if you don't have one, then you feel like you're ready to become one from experience).
I compiled 25 wedding planning (to-do list) for you,
1.) Take your time:
Be calm, Don't be unnecessarily anxious, Get a Diary and pen down every Idea.
2.) Be present in every moment:
Involve yourself in every Detail.
3.) Do a first look:
scrutinise every idea, All that shines is not Gold, think twice before you invite that Uncle brother, sister.
4.) Don't get caught up in perfection:
No one is perfect, get and consider every idea that comes your way.
5.) Have faith that all your effort will be worth it:
Don't worry, with God on your side you won't fail.
6.) Share something personal on your fear to someone:
Problem shared is half problem solved.
7.) Try not to stress yourself even when it's impossible:
List your plans in other of importance.
9.)Accept that you can't please everyone:
Trying to please everyone is the beginning of failure. please be yourself, Be happy!
10.) Be a team throughout the entire planning process:
You travel fast if you walk alone but FAR if you walk as a Team. Don't Plan alone, The process can exhaust you.
11.)Remind yourself what is truly important:
You don't need all the Advice, Scrutinise them.
12.)Be Joyful:
Enjoy the moment, Don't look all worked out, you are not planning for a Day, You are planning for a Lifetime.
13.)Take one thing at a time:
Take a step at a time, Don't rush, you need the details.
14.) Communicate with your partner:
Have an idea of what your partner is doing, work together. Don't forget you are working as a TEAM.
15.) Consider your Environment when planning:
Don't get carried away by the social media Weddings, Face the reality.
16.) Eat Well:
This is not the time to skip meals, Eat good FOOD.
17.) Keep the Big picture in Mind:
Be optimistic, It will be a Success.
18.) Don't Sweat over the Little Things:
Don't be annoyed by the sight of something not working as planned. simply get up and fix it.
19.) Make appointment:
Make that call, Make bookings on time.
20.) Be creative:
Don't be rigid on the Information you got, add your extra touch.
21.)Keep it simple:
Everyone can't have the social media wedding, The simpler the better.
22.)Finish your to-do list early
23.) Get a BUDGET and follow the details:
Stick to your budget.
24.) Hire an EVENT PLANNER:
Don't go through this stress alone, Call on MILES EVENT to help you out.
25.) Drop your comments:
Let us know what you feel.
Have a great Event ahead.
PS: Original Content from Bridal guide, Emphasis added by the Miles Event team.
You're constantly looking at top wedding blogs, Worry and Anxiety has become your second job, and your wedding planner is on speed dial (or, if you don't have one, then you feel like you're ready to become one from experience).
I compiled 25 wedding planning (to-do list) for you,
1.) Take your time:
Be calm, Don't be unnecessarily anxious, Get a Diary and pen down every Idea.
2.) Be present in every moment:
Involve yourself in every Detail.
3.) Do a first look:
scrutinise every idea, All that shines is not Gold, think twice before you invite that Uncle brother, sister.
4.) Don't get caught up in perfection:
No one is perfect, get and consider every idea that comes your way.
5.) Have faith that all your effort will be worth it:
Don't worry, with God on your side you won't fail.
6.) Share something personal on your fear to someone:
Problem shared is half problem solved.
7.) Try not to stress yourself even when it's impossible:
List your plans in other of importance.
9.)Accept that you can't please everyone:
Trying to please everyone is the beginning of failure. please be yourself, Be happy!
10.) Be a team throughout the entire planning process:
You travel fast if you walk alone but FAR if you walk as a Team. Don't Plan alone, The process can exhaust you.
11.)Remind yourself what is truly important:
You don't need all the Advice, Scrutinise them.
12.)Be Joyful:
Enjoy the moment, Don't look all worked out, you are not planning for a Day, You are planning for a Lifetime.
13.)Take one thing at a time:
Take a step at a time, Don't rush, you need the details.
14.) Communicate with your partner:
Have an idea of what your partner is doing, work together. Don't forget you are working as a TEAM.
15.) Consider your Environment when planning:
Don't get carried away by the social media Weddings, Face the reality.
16.) Eat Well:
This is not the time to skip meals, Eat good FOOD.
17.) Keep the Big picture in Mind:
Be optimistic, It will be a Success.
18.) Don't Sweat over the Little Things:
Don't be annoyed by the sight of something not working as planned. simply get up and fix it.
19.) Make appointment:
Make that call, Make bookings on time.
20.) Be creative:
Don't be rigid on the Information you got, add your extra touch.
21.)Keep it simple:
Everyone can't have the social media wedding, The simpler the better.
22.)Finish your to-do list early
23.) Get a BUDGET and follow the details:
Stick to your budget.
24.) Hire an EVENT PLANNER:
Don't go through this stress alone, Call on MILES EVENT to help you out.
25.) Drop your comments:
Let us know what you feel.
Have a great Event ahead.
PS: Original Content from Bridal guide, Emphasis added by the Miles Event team.
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Drapping Ideas.
Draping is one of the hardest-working details of event production.
It can serve as:
-dramatic decor,
-guide guests in the right direction,
-hide elements in a space that are irrelevant or yet to be revealed, or advance a theme and sometimes it
-serves multiple functions all at once.
Check these 3 awesome Drape Designs.
Purple Drapping ascented with chandeliers
Photo credit: BizBash
Purple Drape Entrance punctuated by hanging Disco bulbs.
Photo credit: Alessandra Dubin
Drapes and bright light combined to give a colourful reception.
Photo credit:Motion Ball
It can serve as:
-dramatic decor,
-guide guests in the right direction,
-hide elements in a space that are irrelevant or yet to be revealed, or advance a theme and sometimes it
-serves multiple functions all at once.
Check these 3 awesome Drape Designs.
Purple Drapping ascented with chandeliers
Photo credit: BizBash
Purple Drape Entrance punctuated by hanging Disco bulbs.
Photo credit: Alessandra Dubin
Drapes and bright light combined to give a colourful reception.
Photo credit:Motion Ball
Wednesday colour special
Tent ceiling litted with
Blue lights
Photo credit: Gripson/Bizbash
Colour Blue.
An event's colour have implications that extend beyond the norm. Colours affects our moods and feelings.
Blue colour Conveys Trust,dependability, and intelligence. It also signifies a calm environment.
According to Hale Smith, Blue taps into our bodies and hormones, it lowers our heart rate and shows respiration.
The popular shades of Blue includes
Turquoise, Blue Lights and Royal, Baby, Periwinkle and Powder Blue.
Blue lights
Photo credit: Gripson/Bizbash
Colour Blue.
An event's colour have implications that extend beyond the norm. Colours affects our moods and feelings.
Blue colour Conveys Trust,dependability, and intelligence. It also signifies a calm environment.
According to Hale Smith, Blue taps into our bodies and hormones, it lowers our heart rate and shows respiration.
The popular shades of Blue includes
Turquoise, Blue Lights and Royal, Baby, Periwinkle and Powder Blue.
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
You are in the right place. This blog Was created to solve your event challenges.
👉If you have challenges with your choice of colour and/or combination for your next event,
👉If you are looking for a cheap event hall around you? or you need suggestions on how to cut cost?
👉Are you at a crossroad on your outfit(Bridal train,Groom's men) for that event?
Search no more! this is the right place.
All you need to do is to leave your comment on each post and we will offer our professional advice and guess what?
What made us stand out is that :
- We work according to your budget,
-We respond to time.
Introducing Miles Event
We are professional event experts on a mission to make your event(s) memorable by giving it a facelift.
We are committed to customers' satisfaction by working with your budget and delivering our services to Time.
We represent the modern definition of event standard and we work hard to fulfill your widest imagination of a memorable one.
Our Vision
-To become the No 1 event outfit of choice.
Our Objectives
-To satisfy every client.
* Satisfy means: To bring your imaginations to reality working with your budget.
- Constant feedback to clients.
-To be time conscious by delivering all work to time
-To never bend and always improve on Quality.
Our Services Includes
-Event Decoration -(all events, Wedding ceremonies, Conferences, Seminars, AGM, Birthdays, Burials)
-Event Ushers
-Event security
-Event Planning: we organise your events from start to finish.
Don't plan your next event Alone!
involve the professionals
Let's take your events to miles beyond your imagination.
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