You don't need to overspend your budget before you impress your host. Sometimes, they’re probably more concerned that you show up to their big day than they are about getting a pricey present.
I prepared this affordable gift ideas for you.
1.) Lend a hand:
If money's really tight, consider offering your services. Whether it's helping out with the food or arranging the Reception venue. There are a lot of voids you can fill for them. Your service is worth more than any gift except you are giving them a Lamborghini.
2.) Frame their wedding invitation:
3.) Design a custom set of mugs:
Plain mugs are super inexpensive at craft stores, get them and give to an artist to customise the couple's me on it.
4.) Buy them a pretty set of pillowcases:
They can't forget you with such gift, you can write their names on it.
5.)Stock the couple’s post-honeymoon fridge:
It can be as inexpensive as some quick snacks and frozen dinners from the grocery store, or as elaborate as a week of homemade meals. Point is: they're not coming home to the dreaded empty fridge. It will help them get back to their feet as most couples are always broke after spending a lot on their wedding.
6.) Power Banks/Portable charger:
This is an asset for an average Nigerian. You will be in their prayers with such gift.
PS:Original post by Money crashers. Emphasis by The Miles Event Team
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